Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 13: This Week

Sunday was Easter and we spent the day home sick. I was still recovering from the infection and Hunter and McKadie were sick so Brian got stuck taking care of the rest of us. On Monday I spent the day making dentist appointments, paying bills and crocheting. I have been making some really cute hats and they have been selling faster than I can make them. I spent 8 hours crocheting on Monday to the point where my right hand is now giving me a fit, but alas I am still pushing forward. Tuesday I took McKadie to the Dentist and then went and had lunch with Brian and then went home and crashed with Mickey. Wednesday morning we were at the dentist office early with McKadie and she had an oral surgery procedure done. She had the Frenulum(sp?) clipped. She is doing better but her lip is still swollen and she has black circles under her eyes, I think from when they put the tube down her nose for the surgery. We left the dentist office and headed to my parents so that grandpa could help me calm her down. Brian and I tried all we could but she just wouldn't stop crying. Grandpa got her all happy and smiling.
From my parents we went to UVU. We spent most of the day there going from one counselor to the next trying to get Brian and I registered for school. We are both registered now and all we are waiting for is to find out which Math and English class he can get into. He is going to enter the RN program and I have changed my major. My love has always been in the world of medicine, but the last ten years have given me some physical limitations that will keep me from performing to my best ability. So after taking a test last year called the Meyers Brigg test, I am going to receive my Bachelor's Degree in Social Work. I want to work in the hospital and help families that are dealing with grief, change, and other things. We start in August and are so excited because we will have a class together.
So once we finished at UVU we checked the kids out from school and took them to the dentist where we spent the rest of the day.
Thursday, we started our day back at the dentist office where Sadie had two teeth pulled and some sealant done. Hunter had some sealants done as well and four fillings. We then took Sadie to school, Hunter wasn't feeling well after the laughing gas. Then kidnapped my dad. The rest of yesterday was spent here at home. I took a cat nap, Brian studied for his accuplacer tests and then I did housework, homework and some more crocheting with the kids.
Today has been a lazy day, McKadie and I have been chilling out watching the Royal Wedding. Brian is at work, he is working at DI while he gets his CNA. He is enjoying what he is doing and it has been very humbling for both of us. Tomorrow I am not sure what we will do. Brian has to work. We have major gardening and weeding to do but Utah's weather doesn't always cooperate.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

i didnt know sadie got teeth pulled. that sucks. youve been busy