Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's been a while...ooops

Well I have been keeping up on the family blog but have neglected this one...again. And I don't have nearly as much time as I used to in making regular posts. So here are some random thoughts:
I have lost 12 lbs. since surgery and 9 inches. Yeah me go me!!!
It is stinkin' cold here. Where did autumn go?
I love my husband...I really really really love him, and will miss him while he is away working.
I may get on the computer more when he is gone, I don't sleep well without him next to my side.
I spent 3 hours at the laundry mat yesterday, my dryer is broken, hopefully temporarily. I need to put a lot of laundry away.
My baby is turning into a toddler. Bitter sweet as she is my last but at the same time thanks heavens, she is so active and full of her very opinionated attitude. I love her to pieces!
I am so excited to keep decorating for all the holidays that are upon us. Yeah!!!
McKadie is walking, not at full speed or all the time, but each day there is more and more.
I love movies...I think this came from working at the theatre.
I miss country dancing. I just spent Wednesday night teaching a large amount of youth to line dance: electric slide, boot scootin' boogie, and the tush push(very clean version).
I love taking walks at night with my sweetie. It has totally added to our relationship.
I found out Hunter has a hard time when I leave him at home or anywhere else (he was bawling one night when we got back from walking, now I have to leave the phone with him when we leave for just in case).
We are going to start going to rendezvous again with my family next year. I have to start sewing a bunch of pioneer outfits. I also should do some bead work...when is there time to do all of this?
I have been scrubbing my house on my hands and knees and am so happy to see the fruits of my labors.
I love my Savior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am starting to realize what my body is capable of and that I can accomplish whatever I set my mind to. I am seriously thinking of participating in a tri-athalon next summer, and some half marathons and marathons before that. Thank you Debbie!!!
I love my family, one and all.
My kids make me smile and they don't even realize it half of the time.
The weather didn't co-operate with my schedule today. I was supposed to take a families pictures up the canyon, no way in a snow/rain storm.
Why can't fall last until after Halloween, like in Hocus Pocus the movie, all the pretty leaves on the ground, and NO SNOW!!!
I love to go to the temple. What a beautiful place. Some good friends of ours had their adopted son sealed to them today. Love you Dustin and Taska!!!
My main computer is broken, I need to take it to the Geek squad according to one of my very computer savvy uncles. And where do I get the money for that? Thankfully I have my laptop.
I love my camera, but would love a newer one...beggars can't be choosers...
The radiator in my car just decided to have a fit on me and now I don't know if Brian will be able to get it fixed before he leaves on Monday morning. Why is everything breaking?
Sadie and Hunter are having a fun day with their cousins at my parents house. Thank heavens for Grandparents.
I am learning to love my body...sorta...working on it.
I need to wipe down the walls in my bathroom, no fart fan, and mildew is growing GROSS!
I need to sweep the floor in the kitchen...again...thanks McKadie.
I could be getting all of these things done if I wasn't playing on my computer messing around with the blogs now couldn't I? So on that note. I am going to go and turn up some fun energizing music and dance/clean my house with McKadie.


Grandma said...

So glad your feeling better!

Grandma said...

Grandma means mom.... L O L