Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 6: Your Day

My day varies. It all depends on my mood. So let's go with a good day, like today, a bad day is spent mostly in bed or doing nothing productive at all. Today I was up at 8, slept in a half hour too late. Woke up McKadie. Helped Sadie do her hair for school. Made sure Hunter was awake. Cleaned the house for about a half hour, 45 minutes. Helped McKadie get dressed, cleaned up all the clean clothes she ripped out of her dresser, this is typical. Paid bills, made phone calls. Ate breakfast. And now I have been catching up on emails, blogging because I promised I would. The rest of the day will consist of laundry, more cleaning, and working. Helping kids with homework, dinner, scouts and whatever else falls in my lap. My mom may stop by before she heads to work. Dad may come hang out, I never really know. As long as everyone is happy and healthy I am great!

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